[:en]My name is Juan José Torres and I’m a CG artist and computer enthusiast from Spain. My principal tool of trade is 3D modeling and animation suite Blender. I’m mostly interested in cinema, literature and comics (mostly independent ones directed to an adult audience).
mínima expresión is the place where I publish my creations, as well as my reflections on the subjects that interest me. You can check my work in this blog’s entries, as well as in the portfolio section in this site and my deviantART gallery.
Please, feel free to comment any post on this blog if you wish. I’m always open for conversation with anyone who happens to stop by and I’ll try to answer to the best of my ability.[:es]Me llamo Juan José Torres y soy un artista digital español y aficionado a la informática. Mi principal herramienta de trabajo es el paquete de modelado y animación 3D Blender. Entre mis intereses también se encuentran el cine, la literatura y el cómic (principalmente de autor).
mínima expresión es el lugar donde publico mis creaciones y plasmo mis reflexiones sobre los temas que me interesan. Además de en las entradas de este blog, encontrarás mis trabajos en la sección de portafolio presente en este sitio, así como en mi galería de eviantART.
El diálogo siempre es bienvenido en este sitio, por lo que no dudes en comentar en cualquiera de las entradas de este blog si así te apetece. Procuraré responder en la medida de mis posibilidades.[:]
Hello Juan,
I just got acquainted with your fine solution here:
and I thought to say a BIG THANK YOU for that – it was really annoying for me not to see other people doing thatat least the guy who started the topic.
Then I went see your profile so I am here. As this is the 1st time I am here I’ll start to look around very soon.
Thank you again for your valuable help!
Thank you, Levente. You are very kind. I must admit I didn’t expect any thanks after such a long time, but it’s always nice to find people appreciating my contributions. 🙂