The first entry in this Surface Knowledge series will be the now fully procedural metal rust material.La primera entrada en esta serie de Conocimiento Superficial es el óxido, ahora completamente procedural.
This is how it looks:
The node setup is a large and complex one, so I will post it here and answer any possible questions in the comments section:
I will point out, though, that the topmost ColorRamp node is the one governing the amount of rust in the material, so play with it to set the rust to your content.
Also depending on your scene and model you may want to adjust the scale value in the rust node group.
Here is a link to the blend file for those who want to try the material themselves (I will probably do further improvements to it in the future, hence the versioning in the name). You can use it freely, but if you mention me or this site, I’d be more than happy. 😉
Lastly, in order to showcase this new material and give an impression of the actual possibilities of the current version, I modelled this:
That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more Surface Knowledge. 😉
Update v1.1: I have made a few minor adjustments to this material. Mainly removal of unused nodes and simplification of the .blend file for a less hardware demanding render. The metal has also been adjusted so it looks less glossy.
Update v1.4: Metal material has been completely overhauled and several parameters have been added for gloss control.
Update v1.5: This is a big update. The whole material has been reworked to make controls simpler. Now it uses less nodes and generates bump effects through the bump node instead of the old displacement socket, making it future proof. As a result of all these changes, this new version renders 15% faster than previous version.
Su aspecto actual es este:
La configuración de nodos de este material es extensa y compleja, por lo que la publicaré aquí y responderé posibles preguntas y sugerencias en la sección de comentarios:
Lo que sí he de señalar es que el nodo mediante el cual se controla el grado de oxidación es el nodo de escala de color (ColorRamp) en el extremo superior de la imagen, así que es recomendable experimentar con él para hacerse con el control y ajustar la oxidación de acuerdo con las necesidades de cada uno. También dependiendo de la escena y el modelo es posible que sea necesario ajustar el valor de escala (scale) en el grupo de nodos Rust_v1.0.
En este enlace está el fichero .blend para quienes quieran probar este material (probablemente mejoraré este material en el futuro, de ahí la versión en el nombre). Cualquiera puede utilizar libremente el contenido del fichero, pero en caso de hacerlo, una mención a mí o a este sitio sería más que apreciada. 😉
Por último, y para demostrar las posibilidades de la versión actual de este material, he modelado este objeto:
Eso es todo por ahora. Permanezcan en sintonía para más Conocimiento Superficial. 😉
Actualización v1.1: He hecho algunos pequeños ajustes al material. Principalmente eliminación de nodos innecesarios y simplificación del fichero .blend para un renderizado menos exigente con el hardware.
Actualización v1.4: La material metálico ha sido cambiado por completo y se le han añadido varios parámetros para el control del brillo.
Actualización 1.5: Esta se trata de una gran actualización. Todo el material ha sido reconfigurado para hacer los controles más simples. También se ha pasado a generar el efecto de relieve utilizando los nodos de relieve en lugar del antiguo método del conector de desplazamiento, lo que hace el material más viable de cara al futuro. Como resultado de estos cambios, esta nueva versión se renderiza un 15% más rápido que la anterior.
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Saw the link to your site on Blender Artists, thank you for the textures- look great.
Wow, awesome, it has been a long time i’m not touch Blender 3D, i see Blender was very awesome 3D engine and grow so fast, and the cycle is very annoying me, actually i’m not an expert using cycle engine, and this post is very helping me to got a perfect material that actually very most often used material on almost all 3D scene to make it more realistic, i’m very appreciate you post, great, i’ll be waiting more great cycle material. Thanks…
tu trabajo es exelente, pero en mi caso buscaba y oxido mas profundo como partes, desprendidas y partes no, asi que siguiendo tu idea de crear texturas propias basadas en nodos, obtuve como resultado una textura de oxido procedural, y realmete los render son mas rapidos y con exelente calidad al no depender de imagen alguna, si puedes hechale un ojo, con suerte me le corriges algo, saludos……..
Gracias, le echaré un vistazo en cuanto pueda.
Hola, muy buenas.
Estoy aprendiendo a manejar Cycles y buscando materiales procedurales me tropecé con tu blog.
Felicidades, está muy bien.
Perdona mi ignorancia pero ¿Como se hace para agrupar nodos y colocarlos bajo una ventana tal como aparece en este artículo?
Hola, Perico. Gracias por tus comentarios. Respecto a lo que preguntas, la forma de agrupar nodos en Cycles es seleccionar todos los nodos que quieres agrupar (utilizando SHIFT+CLIC IZQUIERDO o simplemente B) y pulsar CTRL+G. Eso creará un nuevo nodo en cuyo interior estarán agrupados los otro nodos. Para editar el nuevo nodo, pulsa TAB para abrirlo. Saludos.
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Hmm, very complex work! Thank you for share it!
Thanks! Now that I think of it, the node setups shown in the screenshots here are terribly outdated. Current version of this material (v1.5) is wildly different, the main difference being the use of the bump node, which didn’t exist yet when I created the first version of this material. I should probably take the time to update those screenshots.
Muchas gracias por todo tu exemplos de tinturas de texturas con Blender.
Thank you so much for your examples of texture painting with Blender.
Your insight into minimal texturing is very enlightening.
Maybe you could expound more on vertex paint, another improved and
,now with Cycles, reawakened tool for texturing.
I’ve used vertex paint in the past, and found it useful for certain cases. However, most lowpoly models don’t have enough vertices to make that technique flexible enough.
i have a modeling related question. how did you scatter the bolts on the mine sphere in the last picture?
thanks for publishing these studies
Hi. It’s been a long time since I created that model and my memories of it are a but fuzzy, but I think I created an empty circle around the fuse, set the bolts as dupliverts for that circle and applied the transformation. Once I had the fuse modeled, I created another sphere, set the the fuse as its duplivert, applied the transformation and joined all the fuses and the base sphere into a single object. It was fairly easy and quick model, just to show this material. I’m not sure if I would still do the same if I had to model the mine again, since I’ve grown accustomed to model everything using a single continuous mesh whenever possible.
Thank you. This is a really nice procedural texture. Very beautiful. Very realistic.
May I make a request? I do architectural visualization where real-world scale is paramount. Although your model’s texture and scale look perfect, it appears equivalent to a monkey size of 3 inches, however the actual size of the monkey is 13 feet. So in arch-viz the texture won’t work unless all of the numbers get changed. This is what I’m struggling with at the moment—trying to scale the texture down to real-world dimensions and have it still look as good as what you created.
I would find it most helpful if future textures were closer to real-world scale. It would save even more time. Still, I greatly appreciate what you have created and shared with us. It is really good work.
Thank you for pointing that out. I will check the blend file scaling issues when I find the time to do it. Meanwhile, these settings might be useful for you. They work on a Suzanne with the following dimensions in BUs (which I usually consider to be equal to una meter):0.160, 0.115 and 0.096
Excelente material….
Saludos y una imagen.
Gracias, encantado de ver otras personas utilizando los materiales.
Fantástico material. Haré uso de él y te mencionaré.
¡Gracias por compartir!