It’s been thirty years since Microsoft and ASCII jointly introduced the MSX standard to the world. These renders were created to celebrate it. Se acaban de cumplir 30 años desde que Microsoft y ASCII presentaron al mundo el estándar MSX. Estas imágenes han sido creadas para celebrarlo.
Continue reading / Seguir leyendo[:en] Cycles toon shading tutorial: use Cycles and Blender compositor to create comic style renders[:es]Tutorial sobre sombreado toon en Cycles: Utilizar Cycles y el compositor de Blender para crear renderizados con aspecto de cómic[:]
[:en]One of the most recent additions to Cycles render engine has been a toon shader. Many people seem to be interested in using it, but aside from the links shown here, there is little to no information about it, so they must resort to personal experimentation. This tutorial aims to teach readers how to use […]
Continue reading / Seguir leyendoStyle turnaboutGiro inesperado de estilo
Some new basic shaders have appeared very recently in Cycles, and experimenting with them I found a different visual style for my robotic project. Here is the result. Muy recientemente han aparecido nuevos materiales básicos en Cycles, y experimentando con ellos he dado con un estilo visual diferente para mi proyecto robótico. Aquí está el […]
Continue reading / Seguir leyendoAnatomy of a robotAnatomía de un robot
Like so many other 3D artists, I came to this field being a long time lover of fantastic fiction, be it in the form of books, movies or comic books. In my case, I’ve always leaned more towards science fiction, although I do enjoy other genres within fantastic fiction. The point here is that there […]
Continue reading / Seguir leyendoLast render of the yearÚltimo renderizado del año
I look back and it’s hard for me to believe that a year has already gone by since I started this blog to share my learning experience in Blender, and later to share my procedural materials in the Surface Knowledge section. I feel I’ve learned quite a big deal during this year, but that the […]
Continue reading / Seguir leyendoChampagne glasses – A lighting studyCopas de champán – Un estudio de iluminación
I’ve been using a three-point lighting system for my last renders and the results have been very satisfactory, but I felt curious about other methods and decided to explore lighting a bit. This is the product of my experimentation: He estado utilizando para mis últimos proyectos un sistema de iluminación de tres puntos y los […]
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